class for kids

Family Friendly

Family Friendly

Every family can use a boost!

Are you dealing with the terrible twos or locking horns with a teen?  Maybe you have another family struggle. There are few things more helpful than a church family to help  you navigate the difficulties of family. People who love and care for you can stand with you, coach you, pray for you. No one person, no one parent should carry the load. Every Sunday you can find classes for parents, teens and kids. And though we aren’t perfect, we can share tips and ideas that have worked for others.

Our main worship time is 10:30am, but the family hour is 9:30am, when we split into classes targeting the needs of each member of your family.

9:30am Sundays

  • Kids Class
  • Teen Class
  • Adult Bible Fellowship

10:30am Sundays

Our Kids’ Church hour allows you to send your kids out for separate worship so you can relax and focus on God’s message for you.








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