What is a Baptist church?
A Baptist church is a church that believes and practices Christianity in the following manner:
1. The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice.
2. Each local church is Autonomous (independent) from every other church.
3. Each believer may access God directly as a Priest.
4. The church practices Two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
5. Each believer is Individually responsible for his soul’s decisions before God.
6. Church membership is only for the Saved.
7. The church has Two offices: Pastors and Deacons.
8. The Church should remain Separate from the State.
The key letters spell the word “BAPTISTS.” It is not a label worth dying for; it is simply a tool to let you know where we fit on the “church spectrum.”
What does it mean to be an independent church?
An independent church is one that functions apart from every other church or church organization. Continental is non-denominational because we do not belong to any national or international religious organization. Therefore, the church makes its own decisions as to leadership, financial planning, etc., which is just how we see churches functioning in the New Testament (Acts 6:1-6).
What are your services like?
Our services are God-centered. While we provide plenty of congregant involvement (singing, prayers, testimonies, and offering), the focus of the service is on God speaking to us through His Word. Our worship music is directed by a songleader. Prayer, Scripture reading, and special musical numbers are regular. The service culminates with our pastor’s message, which is clear, Biblical, and relevant. The entire service lasts between 60-75 minutes.
How can I be involved in the church?
There are many opportunities to be involved, besides your participation in worship. Opportunity for service is available through our Sunday School and Adult Bible Class ministry, our nursery ministry, our children’s church ministry, our youth ministry, and our greeting and ushering ministry. Behind the scenes opportunities also exist like the set up and take down of our worship equipment each week, the oversight of the sound equipment, set up of the communion table, and record keeping or printing. As a newer church we are constantly adding new avenues of ministry and new opportunities are constantly emerging.
What is required for membership?
Those desiring membership should give a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They should be baptized by immersion following their conversion. Such persons shall submit an application to the pastor and deacons and make an appointment to meet with them. Upon the recommendation of the pastor and/or deacons, the member will be presented to the church for a vote. A three-fourths vote of members present approves a person for membership.
What is the philosophy of financial giving?
We teach Scriptural stewardship of every resource that God supplies (time, talents, treasures, etc.). We believe that the Scriptures teach that God’s children give at least a tenth of their income to the Lord’s work (Matt.23:23, Gen. 14:20; 28:22, etc.). We believe those offerings should be collected at the regular meeting of God’s people (1 Cor. 16:2). We also believe that a person’s contributions are a personal matter (individual soul liberty, see “what is a Baptist church?” earlier on this page) and therefore all giving is kept confidential.
How is the leadership of the church structured?
We believe that Christ is the head of the local church. Under him, serve the bishop/pastor, deacons, and saints/membership (Philippians 1:1). The pastor functions as the leader of the church in much the same way as a president or CEO does in the business world in making the daily decisions. The deacons serve the membership and provide additional counsel to the pastor in the decision-making process. Committees are formed at times to utilize membership expertise. Every major decision whether in finances, staffing, discipline, etc. is determined by vote of the congregation upon the recommendation of the pastor and deacons.