Daydreaming . . . we’ve all been there. Like the steady hum of a fan, the teacher drones on in monotone, inviting you to forget the lecture and think of another place, another person, another world. Who can blame you?
But I’m not sitting in a classroom any more. I am living life at a fast pace, and it does not leave me much time to daydream. Like you, I feel the daily pressures of getting things done: get the kids up, get them ready for school, get to work, make progress on my to-do list, be home for dinner with the kids, get the bills paid, and visit the in-laws, etc. And then when you feel as if your life couldn’t take one more thing, in comes something you hadn’t planned on: someone you know dies, someone hurts your kid, some pain takes up residence in your body, or some pressure starts straining your marriage. And you may feel like closing your book and walking out of class and telling God, “I’m through . . .”
But in the classroom of life God invites you to do something no earthly teacher ever would. He gives you permission to daydream.
KJV Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Stability in suffering comes from staring at glory. Soon you and I will be standing in the very presence of God where there are pleasures forevermore (Ps. 16:11). And He gives us permission to think about it today. In fact, if you do not daydream a little, your engine is liable to seize up.
Take a moment to daydream about the glory that awaits you. It is just the refreshment your weary soul needs! PMG